KUCHING: The Sarawak Oil Palm Plantation Owners Association (Soppoa) fully supports the stance of the state government in its initiative to implement sustainable management of natural resources through conservation measures.
According to a press statement, Soppoa has always been working with national institutions like MPOB (Malaysian Palm Oil Board), MPIC (Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities) on conducting scientific research into oil palm yields and related issues like pollination.
The main objectives of these research activities are to improve yields and cultivate greater productivity for the industry. Other research activities include better mill efficiency to recover more oil during processing to achieve better overall productivity.
In addition, best management practices are also being imparted by MPOB to smallholders to assist them to better manage their farms. These include management inputs, better utilisation of fertilisers and improving yields per hectare for smallholders.
With the state policy of not allocating new state land for oil palm expansion, Soppoa noted the industry needs to improve in all aspects of management to bring about higher productivity and better quality palm oil which is also in line with the nation’s policy.
By adhering to MPOB’s standard operating procedures, Sarawak palm oil producers will be able to achieve the objective of producing sustainable and responsible palm oil.
Soppoa is working closely with MPOB/MPOCC (Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council) to realise the implementation and certification of palm oil in the nation with the introduction of MSPO (Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil) certification standard for the industry.
Currently, a number of companies have already been certified under MSPO in Sarawak including Sarawak Oil Palms Berhad, Keresa Plantations Sdn Bhd, Rinwood Pelita (Mukah) Sdn Bhd and Ta Ann Holdings Berhad with over 60,000 ha in total.
As MSPO certification covers all aspect of the industry’s supply chain, it is necessary for smallholders and plantation estates to work closely together to qualify and be certified.
It is important for Malaysian palm oil to be certified as this will enable it to be sold in international markets that demand certified oil for their customers.
The cultivation of oil palm in Sarawak is targeted to reach 2 million ha by 2020 as envisioned by the state government. Currently, about 1.5 million ha has been cultivated throughout the state in both mineral and peat land areas.
The state government had also approved the expansion of conservation areas in the state, especially in national parks, nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries with the aim of achieving 1.2 million ha of Totally Protected Areas (TPA).
Taken from The Borneo Post